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Codeunit WSB_PRPPublic

Exposes additional event publishers and procedures next to the event publishers that are available from the public objects.


Name Value
Access Public



Event is raised after a Warehouse Pick is created


Type Name Description
Code[20] pWarehouseShipmentNo Warehouse Shipment No. of wich a Warehouse Pick will be created
Boolean pPickCreated If true then a pick is created


Event is raised after running the Productivity Package Environment Copy Actions.


Type Name Description
Option pDestinationEnvironmentType Option that specifies te destination environment type.
Text pDestinationEnvironmentName The destination environment name."
Boolean pIsDataPerCompany Boolean that specifies whether the call is for datapercompany tables or not."


Event is raised when running the 'Create Warehouse Shipments for Sales Orders' report. With this you can skip the creation of a Whse. Shipment Line when creating a Whse. Pick / inventory pick.


Type Name Description
Record "Sales Line" vRecSalesLine The sales line a warehouse shipment line is created for.
Enum "Warehouse Activity Type" pActivityType Enum of type "Warehouse Activity Type"
Enum "WSB_PRPWhseShptInvtAvailable" pWhseShptInvtAvailable Enum of type "WSB_PRPWhseShptInvtAvailable"
Decimal pQtyAvailableToPick The calculated qty. available to pick
Boolean vIsHandled If true the line will not be created.


Event is raised before the confirmation dialog is shown when running report Create Inventory Pick and no filters are set.


Type Name Description
Record "Sales Header" pRecSalesHeader Record to check if filters are applied
Record "Sales Line" pRecSalesLine Record to check if filters are applied
Boolean vShowConfirm Boolean to set if the dialog should be shown


Event is raised before the confirmation dialog is shown when running report Create Warehouse Shipment and no filters are set.


Type Name Description
Record "Sales Header" pRecSalesHeader Record to check if filters are applied
Record "Sales Line" pRecSalesLine Record to check if filters are applied
Enum "Sales Header Shipping Advice" pShippingAdvice Shipping Advice that is set for this run
Boolean vShowConfirm Boolean to set if the dialog should be shown


Event is raised before the parameters are set.


Type Name Description
Record "Purchase Header" vRecPurchHeader The Purchase Header.
Boolean vHideDialog Boolean whether or not hide the default dialog.
Integer vDefaultOption The default dialog option.
Boolean pPrintPostedDoc Boolean whether or not to print the posted document.
Boolean vIsHandled If true the line will not be created.


Event is raised before the parameters are set.


Type Name Description
Record "Sales Header" vRecSalesHeader The Sales Header record.
Boolean vHideDialog Boolean whether or not hide the default dialog.
Integer vDefaultOption The default dialog option.
Boolean pPrintPostedDoc Boolean whether or not to print the posted document.
Boolean vIsHandled If true the customized post confirmation will be skipped.


Event is raised before the parameters are set.


Type Name Description
Record "Service Header" vRecServHeader The Service Header record.
Boolean vHideDialog Boolean whether or not hide the default dialog.
Boolean vShip Boolean whether or not post shipment.
Boolean vConsume Boolean whether or not post consumption.
Boolean vInvoice Boolean whether or not post invoice.
Boolean vIsHandled If true the customized post confirmation will be skipped.


Event is raised before a Warehouse Pick is created when running the Create Warehouse Pick report.


Type Name Description
Code[20] pWarehouseShipmentNo Warehouse Shipment No. of wich a Warehouse Pick will be created
Enum "Whse. Activity Sorting Method" vSortActivity Sorting Method for Activity Lines
Boolean vBreakbulkFilter Specifies if you want the program to hide intermediate break-bulk lines when an entire larger unit of measure is converted to a smaller unit of measure and picked completely.
Boolean vDoNotFillQtytoHandle Specifies if you want to manually fill in the Quantity to Handle field on each line.
Boolean vPrintDoc Specifies if you want the pick document to be printed.
Enum "WSB_PRPWhseShptInvtAvailable" vInventoryAvailable Create Whse. Shipment if inventory for lines is (partially) available.
Boolean vReservedLines Create only a Whse. Shipment if sufficient quantities are reserved from inventory.


Event is raised before Warehouse Picks are created and after Warehouse Shipments are created


Type Name Description
Record "Warehouse Shipment Header" temporary vRecTempWhseShptHeader Temporary recordset of created Warehouse Shipments
Boolean vIsHandled If true the customized post confirmation will be skipped.


Event is raised before running the Productivity Package Environment Copy Actions.


Type Name Description
Option pDestinationEnvironmentType Option that specifies te destination environment type.
Text pDestinationEnvironmentName The destination environment name."
Boolean pIsDataPerCompany Boolean that specifies whether the call is for datapercompany tables or not."


Event is raised before the posting date is replaced.


Type Name Description
Record "Purchase Header" vRecPurchaseHeader The Purchase Header record.
Boolean vIsHandled If true the pick document creation will be skipped.


Event is raised when running the 'Create Warehouse Shipments for Sales Orders' report. With this you can skip the creation of a Whse. Shipment Line when creating a Whse. Pick / inventory pick.


Type Name Description
Record "Sales Line" vRecSalesLine The Sales Line record.
Enum "Warehouse Activity Type" pActivityType Enum of type "Warehouse Activity Type".
Enum "WSB_PRPWhseShptInvtAvailable" pWhseShptInvtAvailable Enum of type "WSB_PRPWhseShptInvtAvailable".
Boolean vIsHandled If true the line will not be created.
Boolean vResultIsHandled If true the rest of the code in procedure will be skipped.


Event is raised before the posting date is replaced.


Type Name Description
Record "Sales Header" vRecSalesHeader The Sales Header record.
Boolean vIsHandled If true the date replacement will be skipped.


Event is raised before the posting date is replaced.


Type Name Description
Record "Service Header" vRecServiceHeader The Service Header record.
Boolean vIsHandled If true the date replacement will be skipped.


Event is raised before the posting date is replaced.


Type Name Description
Record "Transfer Header" vRecTransferHeader The Transfer Header record where the Posting Date is to be replaced.
Boolean vIsHandled If true the date replacement will be skipped.