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Table WSB_PRPEnvironmentSetupField


This setting does not work in Environment Copy.

Stores the setup configuration for fields that are to be modified when copying environments.


Name Value
Access Public
Caption Environment Copy Setup Field
DataClassification CustomerContent
DataPerCompany True
ObsoleteReason This setting does not work in Environment Copy.
ObsoleteState Pending
ObsoleteTag 1.42


ID Type Name Description
1 Enum Environment Type EnvironmentType
2 Enum WSB_EnvironmentSubtype EnvironmentSubtype
3 Text[50] EnvironmentAffix
4 Integer TableNo
5 Integer FieldNo
10 Text[80] FieldName
11 Text[80] FieldCaption
12 Text[255] FieldValue
13 Boolean ClearValue
14 Integer IntegerValue
15 Decimal DecimalValue
16 Date DateValue
17 Time TimeValue
18 DateTime DateTimeValue
19 DateFormula DateFormulaValue
20 Duration DurationValue
21 Boolean BooleanValue
22 Guid GuidValue
23 Option ObsoletedState