Generate SKU’s based on Templates

Available in license(s): Logistics

With this feature you can generate SKU’s with the use of pre configurated templates. When you create SKU’s on regular base this feature will save you time and enable you to have more focus for other tasks. The setup for this feature is done in such a way that setup and maintenance is easy.

To enable this feature:

  1. Open the Productivity Package Setup page
  2. Go to TAB Logistics and set the switch to ON for SKU Apply Configuration Package per Location

To create a SKU Template:

  1. Open Configuration Templates
  2. Select New
  3. Create Template

To set up the SKU Template per Location:

  1. Open the Location Card
  2. Go to TAB Productivity Package
  3. Select proper template for the Location

To create a Stockkeeping Unit you must:

  1. Open the Batch Create Stockkeeping Unit
  2. Setup your preferred Options
  3. Select for which Item you want to create the SKU!

  4. Select the proper Location!

Now check the Stockkeeping Units table and you will see that the SKU is created.

Last update: August 16, 2024